Sunday, March 14, 2010

Free Homeschooling Resources

This week, I found several free homeschool resources that I really liked and want to spend more time exploring... It's an online program that's entirely free, you just have to register. One person emailed and said they weren't able to register, but I didn't have a problem. I'm not sure why she wasn't able to register. I haven't heard that from anyone else, though. The program looked really thorough and I liked the books and worksheets that were free to print out! It's a Charlotte Mason program that's free online. It was an encouragement to me even though I'm not really Charlotte Mason in approach. I liked reading the extra reading lists and it recommended several other sites. When you subscribe, they send you a link to a few free pages each month. This was the page for last month or this month (I can't remember) but it was a neat organizer that I'm going to print out part of. The blank pages from this website lend themselves to Charlotte Mason type homeschooling. This is a website that again talks about Charlotte Mason education, but there are several free e-books on it. One of them is Smooth and Easy Days. On page 43 of the book, there is a list of character traits to teach our children. I think at the very least, it is a good list of the words we can use with our children to articulate to them what we are teaching them. The other parts of the book (especially the first few pages) were encouraging to me. I haven't read a lot more than the first few pages, though. Has a lot of free forms for that you can use with homeschooling. It takes a bit to find the ones you want, but not too long. This website has lots of resources listed--many free ones. Some aren't current, but it's still fun to browse =)

The book I'm reading right now is Homeschooling at the speed of life by Marilyn Rockett. It comes with a cd with a lot of forms on it. I am really enjoying it. It is a book written by a veteran homeschool mom for homeschool moms--it is not written by a school teacher writing to homeschool moms like a book I reviewed recently was. Her website is: I actually spoke to her on the phone and had a very encouraging conversation with her =)

Well, I better get to the laundry...

Finally, I'm reading a book called Homeschooling at the Speed of Life.

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